You can't get what you want but you can get me

There are sentences in this world that hold so much that I fall in deeper love each time I hear them, or read them. They are so beautiful that they awaken a desire to put myself in such a situation so that I can utter them to someone, and mean them with all my heart. It's like goals in life.
Sometimes the sentences are good goals. Like "would you like to make a run for it?", sung, it seems to me, with a suggestive smile. Each time I hear it the corners of my own lips curl upwards.
But sometimes they are not. "You can't get what you want but you can get me" is one of my all time favourite sentences, also from a song. Sung, as it happens, by a man whom I spent many a teenage years deep in love with, and hence his voice presses certain buttons since I'm still attuned to the vulnerability and tenderness in it. The words have inspired me before, I've written stories based on them. I've whispered them, aimed at someone, but too quietly for them to hear - however much I want to live the sentences I fall for, I still show some restrain.
Yet I question that restrain. If the premiss of the sentence holds true: If you really, never, ever can get what you want, but you can get someone who wants you - should you?
It's a pointless question, cause there is no way of knowing what you can and cannot get, or what you eventually will and will not want. The trickiness is balancing "for now" and "for ever", and all that lies between. The challenge is enough to make me want to make a run for it.


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